Your hormones are no longer your worst enemy.


Our Mission

Luna Endurance coaches women to use their hormones as ergogenic aids to improve their fitness. No matter age, size, or background, we show women how to take control of their physiology and improve athletic capability.

The Curse is Over


01 — You’re ready for a change

What you’ve done in the past isn’t working anymore. You’re ready to break the daily routine and build new habits.

02 — Your period is your strength

Skip the fad diets. Understand the science behind feeling unmotivated, sluggish, and weight gain. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to embrace the power of your cycle.

03 — You’re looking for an expert

Whether you’re getting ready for the next race, training for an Ironman, or need a boost to get started, get the top-rated info on the market. Step-by-step support on tracking your highs and lows, strength progression, getting to race weight, and more.

04 — You’re craving customization

No matter where you’re at in the journey: puberty, pre-menopausal, or in menopause, your hormones are ergogenic aids that can improve your fitness. Receive programs tailored to where you are at on your cycle to maximize fitness potential

05 - What about menopause?

With menopause comes lots of hormonal changes. There are specific nutritional and training tactics that can be used to fight off the weight gain and get back you mojo. Continuing to train harder won’t cut it; you need to train smarter.

Get race-day ready by managing your period.